Data Privacy and CEO Phishing

This month we look at Instagram, Facebook - and cookie thieves!

Data Privacy and CEO Phishing


Each month we will bring you information, tips, and news to help keep you, your information and your business safe online.

If you have questions, or ideas you would like to see in the Program, please send an email to BadWolf Support!

Check out the information, links and news stories below to see what's happening in the world of cryptocurrency, online security, and NFTs.

Online Security: What could possibly go wrong??

Real life. Real stories.

The link below is included because it brings up the point that a VPN doesn't catch everything, and it also talks about data privacy and some of the ways our data can be captured and used when we visit a website.⤵️

Incogni - by Surfshark

Opt Out from Data Brokers

Our mission is to help you take back control of your data privacy. Data brokers collect your personal information and sell it to other companies with just a few clicks of the mouse. We want to help you take back your data just as easily. We deal with data brokers on your behalf so that you don’t have to spend hundreds of hours jumping through hoops.n to prevent companies, hackers, or bots from tracking you online.

💡Security tip of the week

Passwords are the 🔑 keys to your online "kingdom" - don't share, and don't leave them where they can be easily found. AND keep multiple copies - at least ONE should be old-school pen-and-paper. 🔐

🔐 Security Word of the Month

🧰 Toolkit Resource of the Month

⭐️ In the News ⭐️

Cookie theft threat: When multi-factor authentication is not enough
A lot of companies have deployed multi-factor authentication, yet attackers have some ways to bypass it—the most used one being cookie theft.
Instagram Phishing: Scammers Exploit Instagram Verification Program
Researchers at Vade warn that an email phishing campaign is spoofing the Instagram account verification process to harvest login credentials.
A cybercriminal stole 1 million Facebook account credentials over 4 months
A large-scale phishing attack was uncovered by PIXM, as well as the person who had been carrying out the attacks.
This app beeps every time your computer sends data to Google
A privacy advocate has created an app that beeps every time your computer sends any data to Google. Spoiler alert — it’s a very noisy app.

⭐️ See you next week! ⭐️