Crypto-Security Today
"DON'T CLICK THAT LINK!" is a good mantra for staying safe online. In this edition we look at some nasty - and very sneaky - ways that criminals try to fool us.

We have an amazing year ahead!
This will be a year full of information, tips, and news to help keep you, your information and your cryptocurrency safe online.
If you have questions, or ideas you would like to see in the Program, please send an email to BadWolf Support!
Check out the information, links and news stories below to see what's happening in the world of, online security, cryptocurrency, and NFTs.
Online Security: What could possibly go wrong??
Passwords are the 🔑 keys to your online "kingdom" - don't share, and don't leave them where they can be easily found. 🔐 Email, social media, crypto wallet, bank - a criminal can do amazing things with a small chink of access.
Cryptocurrency Seed Phrase
This set of words is the UNCLOSEABLE door 🚪 to your online wallet💰. Passwords can be changed but your Seed Words will still give you (or a criminal) access to your wallet. NEVER share. NEVER screenshot. NEVER copy/paste. Write them down old-school - pen and paper. 📝
Have you changed at least ONE password this week? 📆 *If not, why not take 5 minutes ⏱ right now and change just one? Don't forget to write the new info in your old-school pen-and-paper list! 📝
🔐 Security Word of the Month

🧰 Toolkit Resource of the Month

In the News
Current events in the world of cryptocurrency, security, and NFTs

⭐️ Stay safe! ⭐️