SMART Money: the Dating App of Private Investment
Private investing is a window onto a world of opportunity! The very real world of SMART Money is what will drive society forward in a powerful, democratic way.
Spectacular things can happen when company and investor both “swipe right”
Investing requires integrity, transparency, and self-awareness — to a degree that can be painful but rewarding. Understanding both sides of the table — the investor AND the investee — is vital to creating Smart Money. And SMART Money is what will drive society forward in a powerful, democratic way.
Private investing is complex, rewarding, and important to understand. Participate as much or as little as you like in this ever-changing ecosystem, but make no mistake — Private Investment affects the world you live in AND affords every one of us the opportunity to understand and participate in a better world.
What Kind of Investor Are You?
For some investors this opportunity takes the form of participation in high level investing, for others it is a journey of learning, starting small, and growing as an investor. For yet others it is simply the opportunity to embrace their inner angel and advocate for the world in which they would like to live.
For the entrepreneur, the business owner, and the c-level teams planning their launches, accelerations, and end-games, investing is their lifeblood.
There is power in learning the how, what, and why that influences our world.
Private Investment dollars can fund projects that governments, established organizations, and even many not-for-profits can’t fund. Many of these are in the categories of healthcare, climate, education, and inclusive technology.
As a society, and as individuals, we effect real change when we speak with our $$ and with our feet. Our choices as a consumer, employer/employee, friend, advocate, mentor, investor, and investee all reflect who we are and how we see the world.
Private Investment opens up a whole new horizon on that world.
Understanding Both Sides of the Table
Private Investment offers investors the chance to look at founders as people. As individuals. Dedicated, creative, intelligent people. Not seen behind a hazy curtain of government funding, grant qualification, and business-banking vehicles (would you be ok with putting your house on the line for start-up funding??)— all viable options, just not personal to us, or our daily lives. We see only the funded/not-funded and success/failure sections of the funding statistics — not the vibrant community that these companies exist within, and the opportunities that don’t hit the news.
Private Investment also offers founders the chance to see investors as people. As individuals who use their own money to show their belief in a company. Their dedication, the exhaustive due diligence comes with the questions that can feel invasive at times, the audit, the ip, and the valuation requirements that can make any business owner squeamish just thinking about the time involved to gather all the necessary information, and the time to communicate it clearly.
BUT — don’t despair — this is what SMART MONEY looks like.
This process of getting to know each other, of each side asking exhaustive (but pertinent) questions, of sizing each other up, of truly evaluating whether this investment of time, expertise, and $$ will accomplish what is needed.
Company, investor, and all those involved on both sides will be spending plenty of time together over the next xx number of years, so it’s important that the company and investor both “swipe right” on their “Private Investment Relationship App”.
SMART-money investment is hard work. It takes dedication, sacrifice, and hard work on all sides, but the results can be spectacular!
Be informed. Make a difference. Change your world.
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