BlackRock CEO: "Next Generation for Markets' Is Tokenization" - Is this Good? Bad? What does it all mean?
What you need to know about blockchain's move from cryptocurrency into the world of dollars, euros, pounds, and banks you rely on.
BlackRock joins a growing number of firms backing the tokenization of securities, despite the CEO’s wider crypto cynicism. ~
BlackRock CEO Says ‘Next Generation for Markets’ Is Tokenization - Decrypt

This article represents a statement, corporation, and direction we should all pay attention to. And it covers far more than Blackrock.
- "Next Generation for Markets’ Is Tokenization"
- "tokenization of securities"
- "CEO’s wider crypto cynicism"
3 powerful statements, all in one headline.
Do you know — REALLY KNOW — what each of these statements means, predicts, and implies for you and your future???
You should.
Let’s get started! The article also talks about Flowcarbon, JP Morgan, and FTX, but the headliner is Blackrock, so let’s start there.
Blackrock is an established, successful venture. Here are 2 facts to get you started:
- Blackrock has a solid investing history. For over 20 years they have combined their experience, expertise, and resources to make money for their clients.
- Blackrock (like many other Funds) lost money in the FTX collapse.
Let’s go!
- Never believe what you read. Always do your own research.
- Doing relevant research means taking the time to stay current, discuss with trusted friends/family/colleagues (yes — all 3 are important for perspective and balance, include them if you can).
- Just because a corporation is “successful” (whatever that means these days) does NOT mean they are: dealing with market swings successfully, making good decisions, acting ethically, expanding, or have a plan. They COULD BE: scrambling in the background, putting on a brave face while downsizing, negotiating deal after deal to try to stay alive, OR have no faith in their future.
So many options, I hear you saying!
Yes — but remember — we did say this was about far more than Blackrock — or Flowcarbon, or JP Morgan, or FTX. This is about a world that is rapidly changing, and inside this world, reacting to these changes, there are an overwhelming number of organizations, institutions, corporations, investment funds, governments, etc.
So, let’s start here. With this article. And then inform our perspective by finding investment information that both agrees and disagrees with the Blackrock perspective.
Now it’s your turn to do some research. I’ll wait…
(cue elevator music) ♬ ♫ 🎶 ♬ ♫
What did you find out?
What do YOU think about about these predictions?
Now that is the RIGHT question!
Will tokenization of markets happen happen within the next 5 years? Earlier? Later? Will it bring the predicted improvements of faster transactions, lower fees, and radical financial transparency?
Perhaps a more relevant question is:
Will the predicted improvements of faster transactions, lower fees, and radical financial transparency result in:
- benefits for investors OR
- benefits only for the fund managers, consultants, government (fees, licences, taxes), etc. OR
- internal upgrading: new infrastructure, policies, SOP, fees, research, licensing, digital security, cyber-insurance, and perhaps departmental re-organization, training, certification. OR
- a combination that is well-balanced
So many RIGHT questions!
Imagine a world
Imagine a world where everyone researched facts before forming — and expressing — an opinion.
A world where we replace assumption with fact. For example, "tokenization" uses the blockchain, but it does not imply or assume cryptocurrency:
In the world of blockchain, tokenization refers to a process where a digital representation of an asset is created on a blockchain, authenticating its transaction and ownership history. ~
Tokenizing investment assets has positives, such as faster transaction times and lower transaction fees. Are these positives a good balance for any negatives? Perhaps. How can you, as an investor, know if this is a good thing for you?
Now that is the next RIGHT question!
If these changes are implemented with full transparency and full disclosure of the pros and cons involved, that will be a good start to deciding if the investment is still right for you. After that, the rest is up to you. What are the regional, federal, and international laws that apply to, and affect, this change? Who else in the industry is implementing similar changes? How comfortable are you with the changes, no matter what the experts say?
Final Takeaway
The point is simply this — We need to take back OUR power to truly impact OUR world. As much as possible, WE need to decide where this world is going next. We do this by what we say, what we spend, where we live/work/play, how we mentor and lead.
We can’t change everything but we can change SOMETHING. ANYTHING. EVERY DAY.
*Caveat: As always, remember that investing is a personal journey. Your journey:
- Do your research. Consult financial and legal advisors.
- Find a trusted network for discussion and feedback.
- Know your risk and $ limits. Stay within them.

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