Back to work means back to the office - right?

The answer may surprise you

Sometimes a new job is a necessity - we need to do what we need to do and remote, in-office, or hybrid is not the deciding factor. But for those who have some wiggle room in their employment plans — the answer may surprise you.

The outcome of this insightful poll by The Female Lead is definitely a sign of the times!

For centuries, the status quo required people to work in a specific building, buy a variety of work clothes, get to work (pay for a car, insurance, parking, public transit), arrange child care, fix rushed dinners, etc.

All 3 photos are from Unsplashleft center right

Two years ago many businesses said WAIT — if we think about this creatively, we can let you do a major part of this from home… BUT you will now need to rethink — and juggle - childcare, homeschool, office space, dinner (and breakfast, lunch, snacks, accompanying spills), quiet-zones for zoom calls (tv, music, online games, online school lectures, roomba, cat, dog, phone), and more.

Not to mention that EVERYONE in the house will need to pitch in and rearrange their lives to make sure that all noise-related activities are are synced to non-zoom / non-toddler-nap times.

Photo by Steven Libralon / Unsplash


We found both FREEDOM and GLITCHES in this new lifestyle. (And sometimes we found freedom IN the glitches.)

We also found a sense of PERSONAL POWER. The power to see our work, family, and personal lives in a whole new way.

A way that includes CHOICES. And these choices open up a world of POSSIBILITIES for rethinking, chasing and achieving our dreams.

Photo by Ian Schneider / Unsplash

Let’s recap

Work is about big ideas, goals, objectives, and timelines — for the company - and hopefully for you, as well.

Family is about love, support, principles, and being there. Families also have big ideas, goals, objectives, and timelines — and work can be a vehicle to make these things happen.

Dreams are about big ideas, goals, objectives, and timelines. Yours, as well as those of your company, employer, family, friends…

And, to state the obvious…

Family has always been important — a fact now being acknowledged by enlightened employers across the globe.

Dreams are real life in action. Have fun, chase your ideas, appreciate the ideas of others, work hard.

Work is a vehicle for our dreams, financial freedom, and our family’s dreams, needs, and priorities. 

Final thoughts…

Work is a necessary part of our existence. We need to eat, pay our bills, and more. BUT work can also be fulfilling, impactful, and a gift to the greater population. Sometimes. Not always. Sometimes we just need to pay our bills. 

So if today you are paying your bills, caring for your family, and dreaming, let’s celebrate YOU. If you have a vision of where you would like to be in the future, let’s work together toward fulfilling that vision. 

Let’s all work together by being a part of this hybrid, unconventional-does-not-mean-less-productive, creative-solutions-come-from-freedom world!

Or — if you are perfectly happy paying your bills and kicking back after work, we can celebrate that too!

It’s all about choices.

Which path do you choose?

Now that is the right question!

This article says many things, and leaves out many things (it’s an article, not a book — I did try to remember that 😉). Maybe you see a follow-up article that YOU could write?

🎉 P.S. — Whatever your vision of work — whether it is office, home, hybrid… make sure your online life is as safe as possible. See how simple the basics of online security can be — grab the free starter-kit linked below to launch into a safe and secure digital life. Let’s make life hard for cybercriminals!

Let’s keep the conversation going!


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Let’s Keep Cyber Criminals Unemployed!

⭐️ Stay safe! ⭐️

Originally published at